Tag ophthalmology

Foundations of Ophthalmic Surgery Course

The Kagabi Eye Unit in Rwanda is offering a comprehensive three-day course to build essential skills in ophthalmic surgery, including an introduction to Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS). Ideal for medical students considering ophthalmology residency and early-career ophthalmology residents.…

New Publication on Simulation-Based Education Infographics

Read the newest publication from the Ophthalmology Foundation’s Simulation-Based Education Subcommittee. Committee Chairs Drs. Helena Prior Filipe and Mathys Labushange, along with Dr. Isabella du Preez, study infographics’ effectiveness aligning with published recommendations to make simulation education user-friendly and practical.…

Fellowship Spotlight – Wilmer Eye Institute

Dr. Nguyễn Ngân Hà recently completed a fellowship in Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology at the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute under Professor Michael Repka. Read more about her experience below. With my mentor -Professor Michael Repka after clinic. “I am…

China Leaders in Education

The Ophthalmology Foundation held a two-day ophthalmic educators course at Joint Shantou International Eye Center(JSIEC) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong as an initiative of the Chinese Women’s Medical Association. Faculty included Drs. Karl Golnik, Gabriela Palis, and Eduardo…