Category Education

Foundations of Ophthalmic Surgery Course

The Kagabi Eye Unit in Rwanda is offering a comprehensive three-day course to build essential skills in ophthalmic surgery, including an introduction to Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS). Ideal for medical students considering ophthalmology residency and early-career ophthalmology residents.…

New Publication on Simulation-Based Education Infographics

Read the newest publication from the Ophthalmology Foundation’s Simulation-Based Education Subcommittee. Committee Chairs Drs. Helena Prior Filipe and Mathys Labushange, along with Dr. Isabella du Preez, study infographics’ effectiveness aligning with published recommendations to make simulation education user-friendly and practical.…

Save the Date for APAO and AIOS 2025

Join the Ophthalmology Foundation at the 40th Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Congress in conjunction with the 83rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) in New Dehli, India, 2-6 April 2025. We have several exciting opportunities to…

China Leaders in Education

The Ophthalmology Foundation held a two-day ophthalmic educators course at Joint Shantou International Eye Center(JSIEC) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong as an initiative of the Chinese Women’s Medical Association. Faculty included Drs. Karl Golnik, Gabriela Palis, and Eduardo…

Improving Teaching Skills in Ophthalmology

Ophthalmic educators of the Ophthalmology Foundation have contributed to a special series in the Annals of Eye Science Journal, Improving Teaching Skills in Ophthalmology. Editors include Drs. Karl Golnik, Yip Chee Chew, Ana Gabriela Palis, and Meena Swaminathan. In this…

Ophthalmic Educators Workshop at AAO 2024

The Ophthalmology Foundation was pleased to host an ophthalmic educators workshops, “The Vision Forward: The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Devices in Ophthalmology Education and Practice” on Friday, 18 October. Support for the OF’s participation was provided in part…

Workshops on Group Mentoring and Simulation

The Ophthalmology Foundation was pleased to support Dr. Helena Prior Filipe, chair for Continuing Professional Development and Simulated-based Education sub-committees, at three workshops in August and September 2024. The International Association for Health Professions in Education (AMEE) took place 26-27…

COECSA Training the Trainers 2024

The Ophthalmology Foundation presented the “Ophthalmic Educators Train the Trainers (TTT)” on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 at the College of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA) Congress. The goal of the workshop was to improve ophthalmic educators teaching…

OF International Examinations

Elevate your knowledge to global standards. Challenge yourself with international standardized examinations! The Ophthalmology Foundation offers new online examinations available at nearby centers, covering essential topics within Visual Sciences, Optics, Refraction, and Instruments, and Clinical Ophthalmology.   The Ophthalmology Foundation will conduct three formal…

Community Spotlight: Pranesh Balasubramaniam

We are proud to spotlight and congratulate Dr. Pranesh Balasubramaniam, recently honored and awarded Clinician of the Year by the Barts and The London Students’ Association (BLSA). Dr. Balasubramaniam is thankful for the invaluable resources provided by the Ophthalmology Foundation…