As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Ophthalmology Foundation relies on the generosity and partnership of corporations, foundations, and individuals in order to provide resources and programs gratis to doctors in low-resource and underserved countries.
Unrestricted donations for general funding are always welcome, as this allows us to use the funds where they are most needed at the moment. However, if there are specific programs that resonate best with your company, foundation, or family, you are certainly welcome to give a gift as a targeted donation.
Please use our secure online Donation Form to make donations by credit card. If you would prefer to make donations over the phone or by wire transfer, please fill out our Contact Us form and a representative will get back to you regarding your donation. Please know that the Ophthalmology Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy and will not sell your data for commercial use. Please see our privacy policy for more information on how we use information collected on our website.
If you are able to donate time and expertise, please contact us to Volunteer!
Plan Your Legacy
There are many ways to leave a legacy, and for those who would like their long-term impact to include a gift to the Ophthalmology Foundation, there are many options to consider. Frequently used options include: cash gifts, appreciated securities, gifts from retirement plans, gifts of life insurance, closely-held business stock, or a bequest in your will or revocable trust. Many of these options may offer additional tax savings and provide you with charitable deductions. We encourage potential legacy givers to speak with a financial advisor and an Ophthalmology Foundation representative while planning your estate to determine which legacy giving options can most effectively meet your goals and the Ophthalmology Foundation’s needs.
Make a Monthly Donation
A monthly giving commitment helps us in our mission to provide high quality education programs to ophthalmologists around the world. Your generous monthly support allows us to expand our current programs, plan new programs, and supports education services for more ophthalmologists, especially those in low income regions where resources are limited.