Please complete the Ophthalmology Foundation Examination Centre Application form below to the best of your knowledge. The Examinations Director will then contact you for the next steps. Ophthalmology Examinations Centre Application Form Official name of your institutions (as it appears on official documents)(Required)Country/City(Required)Main address (for correspondence)(Required)Registered office address (if different from above)Main Telephone(Required)Main Email Address(Required)BackgroundDo you already work with other exam boards? If YES, please list(Required)How did you hear about The OF Examinations?(Required)What year was your institution established?(Required)How many computer systems are available for the conduction of examinations at any one time?(Required)Details of Bandwidth(Required)Centre RepresentativePlease nominate an ophthalmologist who can deal with official correspondence with the Ophthalmology Foundation.Name(Required)Job Title(Required)Address(Required)Telephone(Required)Email(Required)Exam Administrator DetailsMain administrator day to day contact point with the Ophthalmology Foundation.Name(Required)Job Title(Required)Address(Required)Telephone(Required)Email(Required)Website(Required)Does you center operate all year round?(Required)Are you able to run a pilot for examinations in December 2024?(Required)Are you able to conduct the examinations on 26th March 2025?(Required)Declaration(Required) I declare that the information supplied in this Application From is correct and true.By submitting this application form, you consent to the processing of this personal data for the purpose stated below.Your Name(Required)Your Job Title(Required)Signature(Required)FileMax. file size: 128 MB.PLEASE ATTACH THE COMPLETED CENTRE REQUIREMENTS FORM TO THIS APPLICATIONThank YouAny personal data collected under this form will be used for the purpose of processing this application and managing your subsequent relationship with us as a Registered Exam Centre. Thank you for completing this application to become a registered Ophthalmology Foundation Exams Centre. We will formerly communicate the results of your application as soon as possible. Agreement(Required) By checking this box or using the Ophthalmology Foundation website or social media accounts, you agree to our Terms of Service and acknowledge that you have received and consent to our Privacy Policy.