The Ophthalmology Foundation Education Committee and COECSA led a full day “Training the Trainers” program for regional residency training faculty at the College of Ophthalmology of Eastern Central and Southern Africa Congress, Mombasa, Kenya, 23 – 25 August 2023.
Faculty included Karl C. Golnik, MD, MEd, Ciku Mathenge, MD, PhD, and Meenakshi Swaminathan, MD, who spoke about hot topics such as COECSA milestones, Adult Learning Principles, and Role of the Mentor. Attendees declared that they plan to change their teaching methods as a direct result of the program in areas such as using multiple modes of assessment, mentorship, effective feedback, wet lab logs, and using COECSA milestones.
Similar meetings are planned for 2024.
We are proud to announce that COECSA presented an award to the OF in recognition of our immense support towards the COECSA Education Agenda.
The Ophthalmology Foundation would especially like to thank Ophthalmology Foundation Board Director, Ciku Mathenge, for supporting the OF’s mission of strengthening ophthalmic education by supporting three exams in four countries through COECSA in Basic Sciences, Optics and Refraction, and Clinical Ophthalmology. Ciku Mathenge reflected how “Residents from across the COECSA region sat on dozens of computers and completed the first ever COECSA written exams in Basic Sciences, Optics and Refraction and Clinical Ophthalmology. From Mombasa to war torn Mekele, from Lusaka to Kigali. Despite skepticism and misgivings about internet connectivity, organizational capacity, lack of computers- we challenged that thinking and delivered.”
We would like to extend a special thank you to the Jireh Foundation for generously supporting the Ophthalmology Foundation’s activities at the COECSA Congress.